What You Should Know Before You Change Your Career

Ivy is Out of Office
9 min readAug 9, 2023

In late 2019, many people started working from home because of the global pandemic. This change made people think about their work-life balance and explore new ways to work. This led to a lot of people changing careers, starting a trend called the “Great Resignation” in 2021.

Fast forward to 2023, the growing presence of AI has also nudged people to reconsider their job choices. Some are switching careers out of fear of AI replacing their jobs, while others are excited to tap into new opportunities that AI brings.

Sometimes, people get confused between the terms “career change” and “job switch.” Here’s how they are different:

Understanding Your Career Change

A job switch is like changing lanes on the same road. You use your skills to do a similar job in the same or a related field. For example, if a visual designer in California moves from one e-commerce company to another, still doing visual design, this is a job switch, not a career change.

A career change, on the other hand, is like taking a turn on a road and going in a new direction. This means you might need to learn new skills or get into a new industry or job role.

Career changes can usually be split into three types:



Ivy is Out of Office

A digital marketer who works from anywhere. Career-switcher/ Arts lover/ Storyteller. 數位遊牧行銷人。三次轉職生還者。 主修音樂,於英國取得行銷碩士。經歷橫跨藝術、策展、旅遊、時尚、科技等。